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Mended Hearts, Norfolk Chapter #63

Norfolk, VA 23505

(757) 857-0483

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Contact Information

(757) 857-0483

Who We Are

Mended Hearts, Chapter 63, meets monthly for Heart Support Groups. Please contact for details of location and times.   Non-members are welcome to come to the meetings.  Each meeting features a speaker on some aspect of cardiac health or health in general, followed by refreshments.  The meeting provides support, hope, and encouragement to heart patients, as well as lending support to their families.

The Mended Hearts is affiliated with the American Heart Association.

Who We Serve

Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)
Norfolk City
Portsmouth City
Suffolk City
Virginia Beach City

Cost & Payment Methods

Payment Method(s)
Private Pay
Fee Structure
No Fee
Membership Fee

Age Requirements
18 and over
Other Eligibility Criteria
Anyone with heart problems and other interested parties.

Available 24/7
Additional Availability Comments
Contact for info

Intake Process
Please contact for info about location and time details.
Self Refer
Intake Contact
Rachael Fortner
Intake Contact Email