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Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired (VRCBVI)

401 Azalea Avenue
Richmond, VA 23227

(804) 371-3151

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Contact Information

(804) 371-3151
(800) 622-2155

Who We Are

Virginia Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Vision Impaired (VRCBVI) provides low vision services.  Functional vision screenings are used to determine how effectively an individual uses his/her remaining vision in everyday activities. This screening is an integral part of the clinical examination.  Appropriate medical referrals are made if necessary. Prescriptions may be given for special low vision aids for near and distant vision along with follow-up training.  Training is provided in the following skills to allow the student to walk in a variety of environments and travel:

  • Pre-Cane Skills - Students practice walking with a sighted guide, protective techniques, trailing, locating dropped objects, room familiarization, entering and exiting a vehicle, and orientation to specific indoor areas.
  • Cane Skills - Methods for carrying a cane when walking with a sighted guide, storing of the cane, types of canes, indoor and outdoor cane techniques are covered, along with use of the cane in inclement weather, use of the cane on rough terrain, and ascending and descending stairs.
  • Community Orientation - Students master basic and advanced residential travel, sidewalk orientation, use of auditory and tactual clues, tactual maps, address systems, cardinal directions, the sun as an orienter, traffic as an orienter, traffic lights and various traffic signs, street crossings, route planning, route reversal, and drop-offs.
  • Light Business and Urban Travel - This instruction deals with more difficult street crossing and sidewalk orientation; location of places of business; techniques for traveling in a shopping mall; store familiarization; use of escalators, elevators, and electric and revolving doors; solicitation of information and assistance; route planning; and route reversal.
  • Bus and Cab Travel - Solicitation of information from a bus company, entering and exiting a bus, location of seat, paying fare, location of destination, solicitation of aid and information from driver and fellow passengers, familiarization with various cab companies, variations in rates, telephone contact with a central dispatcher, and assisted and independent bus and taxicab rides may be covered.
  • Rural Travel - Use of shorelines, touch-and-slide technique with the cane, locating intersections, avoiding mailboxes, and use and avoidance of vehicle traffic are covered.
  • Inclement Weather and Night Travel - Instruction in techniques for travel in various weather and lighting conditions, use of appropriate apparel, and use of altered or modified environmental clues may also be provided.
  • Travel Using a Dog Guide - Instruction is provided to students who travel with a dog guide in order to become oriented to new areas and to work on problems that may have developed with the dog. Information about dog guides is given to interested students, and representatives from the dog guide schools make periodic visits to the Center to discuss their programs.


Who We Serve

Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)

Age Requirements
No Age Requirement

Intake Process
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