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Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS)

The mission of the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) is to improve the employment, quality of life, security, and independence of older Virginians, Virginians with disabilities, and their families. 

Office for Aging Services

The Office for Aging Services, Division for Community Living (DARS) focuses on improving the response to older adults and Virginians with disabilities who need some aid in maintaining their options for independence, safety and employment.  The department works with 25 local Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs or "triple A's") as well as various other public and private organizations to help older Virginians and their families find the services and information they need. It is a central point of contact for information and services.

The Office for Aging Services, Division for Community Living's objective is to help Virginians find the information and services they need to lead healthy and independent lives as they grow older. Their mission is to foster the dignity, independence, and security of older Virginians by promoting partnerships with families and communities.

It is designated by the federal government as the agency to oversee all state programs using funds provided by the federal Older Americans Act and the Virginia General Assembly. Area Agencies on Aging contract with the Department to provide services for older Virginians and their families in communities throughout Virginia.

To learn more:

Office for Disability Services

DARS administers programs that offer a broad range of services to individuals with disabilities to enhance opportunities for independent living.

These programs allow individuals with the most severe disabilities to live independently and in many cases obtain and maintain employment. Strong support for these community based services (versus nursing home or other institutional care) exists in state government and the disability community. The Division for Community Living staff are available to provide technical assistance and consultation in a wide variety of areas, including: assistive technology, accessing community based services and independent living, personal assistive services, Medicaid, brain injury and spinal cord injury services, case management for people who have long term needs, accessing available resources and loans for Assistive Technology (AT), and the ADA.

If you are seeking assistance in any one of these areas, but don't have a contact number, you may call the Division for Community Living Office at 1-800-552-5019 Voice, 1-800-464-9950 TTY, 804-662-7134 Voice/TTY and we will help you connect with the appropriate resource within our Division.

Contact DARS

If you have a question or need more information, please contact DARS:

Voice: 804.662.7000

Toll Free Numbers: 800.552.5019 or 711

Videophone: 804.325.1316


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Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services
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