Public Transportation
Public Transportation is available in many areas. Rides are scheduled at assigned pick-up and drop-off stops.
For a list of public transit in your area, go to the Department of Rail and Public Transportation website to locate transit or commuter assistance providers.
Find the transportation service you need!
The Virginia Transportation Finder provides complete information about transportation services in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Transportation Navigator is Virginia's most thorough directory of public transit, human service, and specialized transportation providers, programs, and services.
Or, go to the DRPT Connects Virginians webpage to explore other options for finding transportation such as the Virginia Trip Planner.
► Once you've found a local transportation service provider, if you need an ADA accessible rides, ask about "paratransit."
Reduced-Fare Transportation
Some of your local agencies may give reduced-fare rides. These agencies serve older adults who cannot drive, have chronic health conditions, live alone, and/or are in poverty. Contact your local Area Agency on Aging and ask about transportation services for older adults in your community.