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State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) for Virginia for 2021-2023

The Virginia Statewide Independent Living Council promotes policies, programs and activities to maximize the independence of people with disabilities by:

  • developing, monitoring, reviewing and evaluating the State Plan for Independent Living;
  • supporting and expanding the state network of Centers for Independent Living;
  • creating a culture for full integration and independence, advocating systems change for full access and equality in community life;
  • educating policy makers and stakeholders about the importance of independent living, developing a strategy for collaboration among stakeholders in the disability community;
  • leading to full inclusion and independence of people with disabilities in the Commonwealth of Virginia. 

The purpose of the Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) is to develop a three year State Plan for Independent Living, facilitate the goals and activities within the Plan and distribute Rehabilitation Act Title VII, Part B funds allocated by Congress. The funds are distributed to Virginia through a Federal Formula Grant.

The Virginia State Plan for Independent Living is revised every three years but is continually monitored by the SILC. Public input into the planning efforts is welcomed at any time by contacting the SILC Administrator.

To access the State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) for Virginia for 2021-2023 go to the Virginia SILC website and download the SPIL and any relevant reports. 


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