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Expedited Reinstatement (EXR)

What is Expedited Reinstatement?

Expedited reinstatement is a provision that allows individuals who have lost their Social Security Disability (SSD) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments due to wages to get their benefits reinstated without a new application once their wages fall below the allowable levels.

Requirements for Reinstatement

  • The person must still be disabled. The disability must be the same or related to the original impairment that qualified them for benefits.
  • The person must no longer be earning substantial wages. In 2024, a person is considered to be earning substantial wages if their gross pay exceeds $1,550 per month or $2,590 per month if the individual is blind.
  • The person must request reinstatement of the benefits within 60 months of the last date of entitlement to benefits.

How to Request Reinstatement

An individual must sign a statement saying that they are still disabled, not engaging in substantial gainful activity, and not capable of engaging in substantial gainful activity. Social Security may also request an individual complete a work activity report and request any new medical evidence that a person may have obtained since their initial application may support their disability claim.

After a Request is Filed

Once an individual applies for reinstatement, Social Security will issue provisional benefits for six months. During that time, a medical review will be conducted to determine if the individual is still disabled and entitled to the reinstatement of their benefits.

Benefits of Expedited Reinstatement

In addition to the reinstatement of cash benefits, reinstatement also provides the following:

  • Continuation of health insurance.
  • A new trial work period and extended period of eligibility for individuals receiving expedited reinstatement of SSDI benefits for 24 months or more.

This article was contributed by Michael Klinger, Work Incentives Specialist for the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services.  For more information on EXR’s or any other benefits related questions, contact Michael Klinger at 434-989-5782 or

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Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services
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