Who We Are
Independent Capacity System's Day Support services offer Center Based, Community Based and Combo Day programs. This unique, multi-level structure allows flexibility and tailored services to fit individual needs.
Center Based Program is designed to help individuals develop and refine the skills needed to achieve their highest level of independence possible. Individuals are helped to master the essential skills necessary to accomplish practical life tasks. Self-care, housekeeping, communication, problem solving, money management are some of the skills an individual may have the opportunity to work on.
Community Based Program offers daily opportunities for individuals to actively participate in the community through enjoyable and engaging ways. Activities are designed to work on personal goals in settings that promote learning, independence, exploration, cooperation and teamwork. Community outings can include trips to museums, malls, parks, movies, etc. Community volunteer locations include YMCA, Meals on Wheels, Habitat for Humanity, etc.
Combo Program allows individuals to participate in activities that are catered to their different schedules. Participants take part in sensory, recreational, and educational activities while at the Day Support Center. Participants also participate in community based activities that are local and do not adhere to a specific time frame.