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3601 Old Forest Road
Lynchburg, VA 24501

(434) 385-0262

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Contact Information

(434) 385-0262
(800) 359-3834

Who We Are

enCircle helps individuals by providing professional support with the daily living routines of individuals. In-home support provides skill-building and services to individuals with intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities who are living independently or with family or caregivers in other community settings. Skill-building and support are provided in order to help the individual meet his or her medical, dietary, behavioral, personal care and daily living needs. Skill-building and support are also provided to build independence and to promote involvement in the home and in the community. This service does not provide 24-hour supervision or care. Individuals do not need to be 18 years or older in order to be eligible for this service.

Skill-building and support services include:

  • Personal hygiene,
  • Domestic skills,
  • Social skills,
  • Medication administration,
  • Daily activities,
  • Money management,
  • Dietary needs,
  • Safety,
  • Transportation.

Other services include:

  • Behavioral support.

Who We Serve

Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)
Amherst County
Appomattox County
Bedford County
Campbell County
Lynchburg City

Cost & Payment Methods

Fee Structure
Call for Information

Age Requirements
No Age Requirement
Other Eligibility Criteria
Serves individuals diagnosed with intellectual or developmental disabilities.

Available 24/7
Additional Availability Comments
Call for appointment times.

Intake Process
Call for an assessment.
Documents Required
Call for details
Self Refer
Provider Refer
Intake Contact Email
Intake Contact Telephone
(434) 385-0262

Qualification Type
Qualification Entity
Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS)
Qualification Number
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