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Autism Speaks Resources for Parents

Autism refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. It affects an estimated 1 in 54 children and 1 in 45 adults in the U.S. today according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

Because autism is a spectrum disorder, each autistic person has a distinct set of strengths and challenges. Some autistic people may require significant support in their daily lives, while others may need less support and live entirely independently. For some, challenging behaviors can interfere with daily life, but there are resources, tipsAutism Speaks has resources and information for families and parents.

Video resources on behavior basics

Looking for some tips you can use at home to support skill development and behavior? The Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network-Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health (ATN/AIR-P) recently completed three new videos from some of the most used tool kits in our resources. Videos on the ABCs of Behavior, Reinforcement and Medication & Pill Swallowing are available on our website and YouTube channel.

One-page guides to behavioral health, sleep, anxiety and more!

Many issues like poor sleep and anxiety tend to worsen behavioral challenges, interfere with learning and decrease overall quality of life. Experts from across the ATN/AIR-P put together five one-page tip sheets on a range of topics: sleep strategies for children and teens, behavioral health, anxiety , and irritability

Excepted from 11.5.2020 E-Speaks eNewsletter 

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Autism Speaks
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