Who We Are
Winchester Virginia Transportation is provided within the Winchester City. Public transportation is provided through Win Tran. To contact Win Tran call (540) 667-2230. Winchester's public transit system operates six days a week.
Visit the website or call for hours of operation; routes; and fares (half-fares are available). On holidays the routes do not run. Paratransit service is offered, please fill out the application found on the website or by calling the Winchester Transit office at (540) 662-3982.
Who We Serve
Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)
Winchester City
Cost & Payment Methods
Payment Method(s)
Cash only
Fee Structure
No Fee
Age Requirements
No Age Requirement
Intake Process
Visit the website for information, call, or visit a designated bus stop at the set time.
Self Refer
Provider Refer
Intake Contact
Renee Wells, Transit Director
Intake Contact Email
Intake Contact Telephone
(540) 667-2230
For Transportation Providers Only:
We can accommodate riders with:
Escorts (with paid fare)
Hearing Impairment
Manual wheelchairs
Vision Impairment
To accommodate riders, we offer:
Lift equipped vehicle(s)
Report Problems
Call the Agency