Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (DBVI)
The Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (DBVI) is committed to providing quality services to assist Virginia's citizens who are blind, deafblind or vision impaired in achieving their desired level of employment, education, and personal independence. The department provides an array of specialized services to blind Virginians of all ages to assist them in attaining the skills, confidence and positive outlook that are critical to independence.
Blind, Vision Impaired and DeafBlind Services, Statewide
397 Azalea Avenue, Richmond, Virginia 23227
Phone: 804-371-3140; Toll Free: 800-622-2155
Virginia Assistive Technology System (VATS)
VATS defines assistive technology as “divided into two categories: devices and services.
Assistive technology devices are any item, piece of equipment, or product system that may be used by a person with a disability to perform specific tasks, improve functional capabilities, and become more independent. It can help redefine what is possible for people with a wide range of cognitive, physical, or sensory disabilities.
Assistive technology services are any service that directly assists an individual with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of assistive technology devices that result in greater independence, safety of comfort of an individual.”
Phone: 800-435-8490 VATS Statewide Information and Assistance Toll-Free Number for Information and Referral
Virginia Assistive Technology System (
VisionAware is a free, easy-to-use informational service for adults with vision loss, their families, caregivers, healthcare providers, and social service professionals.
Phone: 800-232-5463
Monday thru Friday, 8:00AM to 8:00PM ET
Website: [VisionAware, CareerConnect, and FamilyConnect]
Getting Started 2020: A Guide for People New to Vision Loss (
Hadley offers practical help, connection, and support free of charge to anyone with a visual impairment, their families and professionals supporting them.
Phone: 1800-323-4238
Hadley Vision Resources | 100 Years of Empowering Adults with Vision Loss
Hadley Vision Resources | Free Resources for Living with Low Vision
The American Academy of Ophthamology
The American Academy of Ophthalmology offers online links and resources for individuals with vision impairment.
Resources and Links for People with Low Vision - American Academy of Ophthalmology (
The Blind Guide
The Blind is an Internet based resource finder for individuals with vision impairment.
Resources to Get You Started with Vision Loss - The Blind Guide
Technology Vision Access Features
Microsoft Windows
Guide for people who are blind or low vision (
Windows Accessibility Features | Microsoft Accessibility
Microsoft Office 365
Microsoft Office Accessibility | Microsoft Accessibility
Apple Products
Accessibility - Vision - Apple
Android Devices