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Who We Are
Project: Homes provides a weatherization program. The weatherization program will increase the energy efficiency of dwellings for the low-income, older adults and persons with disabilities within the greater Richmond area. We complete the mission by inspecting heating/cooling equipment and repair as necessary, sealing major air leaks, insulating sidewalls (except in the city of Richmond), insulate and vent attics, insulate ducts, heating pipes and insulate domestic water heaters.
The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) and Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) energy efficiency among low-income households. These programs aim at reducing energy-related bills among vulnerable populations(elderly, disabled, and families with small children) while safeguarding their health and safety. Service is determined according to an adopted priority system that assists vulnerable households first.
The Weatherization and LIHEAP programs offer some income exceptions for households receiving specialized benefits like Social Security Disability, SSI, and/or TANF.
No charge to clients that are eligible. Programs are funded by grants through the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) and Social Services.