2001 Maywill Street, Suite 202
Richmond, VA 23230
(800) 435-8490
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Who We Are
Do you have a piece of assistive technology that is not being used, such as a manual or power wheelchair, bathtub bench, shower chair, hospital bed, walker, or any other devices that might be of use to an individual with a disability or someone who is aging? Or, do you need assistive technology, but cannot afford to buy what you need? If so, “Reuse” is a solution.
Reusing assistive technology (AT) is a way to make AT more available, especially for those who have no public or private health insurance and who don’t have the resources necessary to purchase the equipment they need. Members of the community donate equipment, no longer in use, to a reuse program where items are sanitized, repaired, refurbished, matched and redistributed, at no cost, to eligible individuals who can use it.
VATS is partnering with the Foundation for Rehabilitation Equipment and Endowment (FREE), Wilson Workforce & Rehabilitation Center (WWRC) to establish recycling programs.
If you are interested in participating in or volunteering, call 1-800-552-5019.
Equipment Exchange is a web-based program providing a way for anyone to post items they wish to donate or sell to other customers at a reduced price. A consumer can also use the exchange to post what device they are looking for.