Contact Information
Who We Are
The Martinsville Senior Center offers medical transportation to eligible seniors and disabled non-seniors Monday through Friday 8:30 am- 3:00 pm. Wheelchair transportation may be available if the wheelchair will fit on the lift. No scooters. Transportation may be available for medical appointments for kidney dialysis, physical therapy, and regular medical appointments. We transport to the drug store to pick up prescriptions.
To be eligible for transportation individuals must meet the following criteria:
1. They must be sixty years of age or older and live in the City of Martinsville.
2. Lack the ability to transport themselves and lack other means of transportation.
Priority shall be given to those who are in the greatest economic & social need. Priority will be given to low-income minority individuals and those residing in rural or geographically isolated areas.
Individuals can sign up for transportation by calling the Senior Center at 403-5260. An assessment form is filled out and a determination is made within 3 working days whether or not the person is eligible.
Who We Serve
Cost & Payment Methods
For Transportation Providers Only: