Statewide and Nationwide
Brain Injury
Programs that develop an individually tailored treatment plan that combines the resources of many specialists to help individuals who have been disabled by an acquired brain injury (ABI) or traumatic brain injury (TBI) attain their maximum level of functioning and quality of life. There is generally a focus on vocational skills and community reintegration.
Project Achieve
Caregiver, Alzheimer's Disease
An organization whose primary mission relates to Alzheimer's Disease caregiver advocacy, education, or direct support programs to address caregiver specific needs. Many organizations provide limited caregiver support alongside programs aimed at patients, but are not caregiver focused organizations.
Caregiver, Alzheimer's Disease
Caregiver, Alzheimer's Disease
Caregiver, Alzheimer's Disease
Caregiver of Alzheimer's Disease
Brain Health, Caregiver, Alzheimer's Disease
Dealing with Dementia Workshop
Caregiver, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
An organization whose primary mission relates to caregiver Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) advocacy, education, or direct support programs to address caregiver specific needs. Many organizations provide limited caregiver support alongside programs aimed at patients, but are not caregiver focused organizations.
Caregiver, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Caregiver Classes
Programs that provide training on care-related activities for families and home-based caregivers.
Family to Family Education
NAMI Basics, Behavioral Health
Caregivers School
Caregiver, Huntington's Disease
An organization whose primary mission relates to Huntington's Disease caregiver advocacy, education, or direct support programs to address caregiver specific needs. Many organizations provide limited caregiver support alongside programs aimed at patients, but are not caregiver focused organizations.
Caregiver, Huntington's Disease
Caregiver, Huntington's Disease
Caregiver, Parkinson's Disease
An organization whose primary mission relates to Parkinson's Disease caregiver advocacy, education, or direct support programs to address caregiver specific needs. Many organizations provide limited caregiver support alongside programs aimed at patients, but are not caregiver focused organizations.
Caregiver, Parkinson's Disease
Caregiver Support
Support groups, services, and programs that alleviate caregiver burden.
Virginia Caregiver Coalition (VCC)
Caregiver Resource Center (online)
Online Family Caregiver Support, Dementia and Down Syndrome
Online Family Caregiver Support, Down Syndrome
Caregiver Services
Caregiver Support
Caregiver Class and Support Group
Caring for You, Caring for Me (CFYCFM)
VA Caregiver Support Services
Companion Services
Programs and/or services that provide general companionship, friendship, socialization and minimal assistance with daily activities.
Online Caregiver Matching
Companion Services
Friendly Caller, Friendship Line
Grandparent and Kinship Care Supports
Programs in which the full time care, supervision, nurturing and protection of a minor child is the responsibility of a grandparent, aunt, uncle or other relative, member of the child’s tribe or clan, godparent, stepparent, friend of family or another adult who has a long-standing relationship with the child or the family. In many cases, the programs are specifically for grandparents including those raising grandchildren.
Kinship Navigators, Family First Virginia
In-Home Assistance
Programs that provide assistance in performing routine household, yard and/or community activities for older adults and people with disabilities, or others who need or want these services. Some of these services may include meal preparation, light housekeeping, errand running, grocery shopping, or transportation to appointments. The objective of in-home assistance is to help the recipient sustain independent living in a clean, safe and healthy environment.