Transition Services for Students With Disabilities
Programs that provide support for children with disabilities who are moving from one kind of program setting or service provision system to another. The common transition points include transitions from health services to education or vice versa, from preschool to kindergarten, from elementary school to middle school, from secondary school to adult life and from more restrictive to less restrictive settings.
Transition to Adulthood
Educational Transition Services
Student Services, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Transitional Case Management Services
Programs that develop, implement, assess and follow up on plans for the evaluation, treatment and/or care of people who are experiencing a specific, time-limited problem such as a transition from hospitalization to independent living and who need assistance to obtain and coordinate the support services that will facilitate the change.
Assisted Living and Supportive Senior Housing Consultation
Transportation, Administration and Scheduling
Programs that offer administrative and ride scheduling services for transportation organizations.
Administration and Scheduling

Administration and Scheduling

Transportation Administration and Scheduling

Administration and Scheduling

Transportation Administration and Scheduling

Administration and Scheduling
Administration and Scheduling
DOT Specialized Transportation Scheduling and Administration
Alexandria Transit Company (DASH), Administration and Scheduling
Administration and Scheduling
Administration and Scheduling
Administration and Scheduling
Administration and Scheduling
Administration and Scheduling
Administration and Scheduling
Administration and Scheduling
Administration and Scheduling
Administration and Scheduling
Scheduling and Administration
Scheduling and Administration
Scheduling and Administration
Administration and Scheduling
Administration and Scheduling
Administration and Scheduling
Transportation Scheduling and Administration
Local, Statewide and Nationwide
Transitional Case Management Services
Programs that develop, implement, assess and follow up on plans for the evaluation, treatment and/or care of people who are experiencing a specific, time-limited problem such as a transition from hospitalization to independent living and who need assistance to obtain and coordinate the support services that will facilitate the change.