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Local, Statewide and Nationwide

Transitional Case Management Services

Programs that develop, implement, assess and follow up on plans for the evaluation, treatment and/or care of people who are experiencing a specific, time-limited problem such as a transition from hospitalization to independent living and who need assistance to obtain and coordinate the support services that will facilitate the change.

RN Telephonic Case Manager

Link2Care, LLC
4019 Main Street #1001, Chincoteague, VA, 23336
Main: (757) 957-9835

Transportation, Private Accessible

Private programs that provide door-to-door (or curb-to-curb) transportation for purposes of shopping, banking, social events, medical appointments, getting to and from work, and similar activities for people with disabilities and older adults who need accommodations and are unable to utilize other available means of transportation. Some but not all vehicles used for this purpose are equipped with wheelchair lifts. 

Transportation for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury

United Spinal Association Metro DC
102 Irving Street NW, Washington, DC, 20010
Main: (704) 975-1925 Toll Free: (800) 962-9629

Statewide and Nationwide

Homeless Services

Services for individuals and families experiencing homelessness.

Homeless Shelter Directory for Virginia

Homeless Shelter Directory
(Internet Resource), Richmond, VA, 23219

Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH)
Main: (844) 872-4681 Toll Free: (844) 872-4681

Homeless Prevention Program (HPP)

Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development
600 East Main Street, Suite 300, Richmond, VA, 23219
Main: (804) 371-7000


Programs that provide comprehensive rehabilitation services that help people who have specific types of injuries or other impairments to achieve their maximum level of functioning.

Orthopedic Rehabilitation

Sheltering Arms Institute (SAI)
2000 Wilkes Ridge Drive, Richmond, VA, 23233
Main: (804) 877-4000 Fax: (804) 877-4003

Physician Services

Sheltering Arms Institute (SAI)
2000 Wilkes Ridge Drive, Richmond, VA, 23233
Main: (804) 877-4000 Fax: (804) 877-4003

Post-Polio Syndrome

Sheltering Arms Institute (SAI)
2000 Wilkes Ridge Drive, Richmond, VA, 23233
Main: (804) 877-4000 Fax: (804) 877-4003

Outpatient Therapy

MySpectrum Counseling & Coaching
707 N. Courthouse Road, North Chesterfield, VA, 23236
Main: (804) 924-2236 Fax: (866) 626-4496

Outpatient Rehab Center

Sandstone Care
11415 Isaac Newton Square S, Reston, VA, 20190
Main: (703) 260-9359

Transition Services for Students With Disabilities

Programs that provide support for children with disabilities who are moving from one kind of program setting or service provision system to another. The common transition points include transitions from health services to education or vice versa, from preschool to kindergarten, from elementary school to middle school, from secondary school to adult life and from more restrictive to less restrictive settings.

Transition of Youth with Disabilities

Center on Transition Innovations
1314 West Main Street, Box 842011, Richmond, VA, 23284
Main: (804) 828-1851 Fax: (804) 828-2193

Family Resources, Think College

Differences Between High School and College for Students with Disabilities
Main: (617) 287-4300

Youth and Young Adults Health Care Transitions

Got Transition
1615 M Street NW, Suite 290, Washington, DC, 20036
Main: (202) 769-0486

Project Life

United Methodist Family Services of Virginia (UMFS)
3900 West Broad Street, Richmond, VA, 23230
Main: (855) 367-8637 Toll Free: (866) 252-7772

Deployed 2 Work

VCU-Rehabilitation Research and Training Center
1314 W. Main Street, Richmond, VA, 23284
Main: (804) 828-3382

Employment of Transition-Age Youth with Disabilities

VCU-Rehabilitation Research and Training Center
1314 W. Main Street, Richmond, VA, 23284
Main: (804) 828-3382

Transitional Case Management Services

Programs that develop, implement, assess and follow up on plans for the evaluation, treatment and/or care of people who are experiencing a specific, time-limited problem such as a transition from hospitalization to independent living and who need assistance to obtain and coordinate the support services that will facilitate the change.

Transitional Care Center

Universal Health Corporation
1111 S. Jefferson Street, Roanoke, VA, 24016
Main: (540) 595-3882 Fax: (540) 930-0656

Transportation, Administration and Scheduling

Programs that offer administrative and ride scheduling services for transportation organizations.

Transportation, Administration and Scheduling

Corporate Angel Network, Inc.
One Loop Road, White Plains, NY, 10604
Main: (914) 328-1313 Fax: (914) 328-3938

Transportation, Deliveries, and Home Services Scheduling

260 Loreto Street, Suite 4, Mountain View, CA, 94041
Main: (855) 464-6872

Transportation Administration and Scheduling

LifeCare Medical Transports
1170 International Parkway, Fredericksburg, VA, 22406
Main: (540) 752-7721 Fax: (540) 752-5194

Scheduling and Administration

Mercy Medical Angels
101 West Main Street, Suite 1000, Norfolk, VA, 23510
Main: (757) 318-9174 Toll Free: (888) 675-1405 Fax: (757) 464-1284

Scheduling and Administration

7443 Lee Davis Road, Suite 200, Mechanicsville, VA, 23111
Main: (866) 810-8305 Toll Free: (866) 810-8305

Uber Administration

1455 Market Street, San Francisco, CA, 94103

UZURV Administration

Main: (866) 898-7836

Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) Administration

Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT): Service Locator
600 East Main Street, Suite 2102, Richmond, VA, 23219
Main: (804) 786-4440 Fax: (804) 225-3572

Virginia Passenger Rail Administration

Virginia Passenger Rail Authority (VPRA)
919 East Main Street, Suite 2400, Richmond, VA, 23219

Transportation, Medicaid

Programs, paid for by Medicaid, that provide transportation for medical appointments, trips from and between hospitals, to nursing homes or other special-care centers or for other non-emergency medical needs for individuals who, because of income, disability or physical condition, are unable to use other means of local transportation. Non-emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) service providers are able to transport riders who require a wheelchair lift-equipped vehicle with appropriate protective restraints or a van that is designed for gurney/stretcher transportation, or that has other types of features to meet safety needs. Some providers also offer limited transportation to grocery stores and food banks.

Medicaid Covered Transportation

Aetna Better Health of Virginia
9881 Mayland Drive, Richmond, VA, 23233
Main: (855) 463-0933 Fax: (866) 207-8901


Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus (CCC+)
PO Box 2029, Richmond, VA, 23219
Main: (800) 643-2273 Toll Free: (800) 643-2273

Medicaid Transportation

2810 North Parham Drive, Suite 305, Henrico, VA, 23294
Main: (804) 622-8900 Fax: (804) 497-1334

Behavioral Health Medicaid Transportation

Magellan Complete Care of Virginia
3829 Gaskins Road, Richmond, VA, 23233
Main: (800) 424-4524