Managing your finances ensures that you can meet your financial obligations and needs now and in the future. Learn more by exploring the topics below. Find information on community services and financial resources for you and your family.
IRS Free File lets qualified taxpayers get free tax preparation, electronic filing and direct deposit of their federal tax refund, if they’re owed one, using guided tax preparation software.
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) has Solution Showcase videos that show examples of products and services that can be used as effective job accommodations. Recent topics include “Compact Material Handling,” “Video Remote Interpreting and Video Relay Services,” “Simulated Skylights,” “Supine Workstations,” “Dual Channel Headsets” and “Timers.
The Arc Center for Future Planning has developed a video series for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their families as they plan for the future, including having a financial plan. Video topics include information and resources on ABLE Accounts and Special Needs Trusts. These videos are also available in Spanish.
After a natural disaster, having access to personal financial, insurance, medical and other records can help people starting the recovery process quickly. There are a few things taxpayers can do to help protect their financial safety in a disaster situation.