Caring for your loved one is a life-changing journey that involves both joyful and challenging moments. Finding valuable resources and services for you and your family can make all the difference!
This Age in Action newsletter explores the obstacles and benefits of "aging in place" and presents important information about universal design and how it can help older adults or those with mobility problems remain in their homes.
The Virginia Relay Service is an important tool for those who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind, deaf-blind or vision impaired. It relays conversations between people who use specialized telecommunication equipment and people who use standard phones.
Trying to balance your work responsibilities and family caregiving can be difficult. Find out how to get support from your employer to help you balance all aspects of your life.
It is important for you and your loved ones to think clearly about end-of-life decisions. This article discusses how to overcome the challenges in making decisions and talks about end-of-life resources.
Achieving consensus among family members about a relative's care can be invaluable to everyone in the family. Find out how to run a family meeting and what makes them effective.