Local, Statewide and Nationwide
Benefits and Life Care Planning Law
Legal services that assist with Life Care Planning and management, living trusts, Medicaid and Medicare, Social Security and other benefits, disability planning, guardianships, conservatorships, discrimination, health care decisions, long-term care alternatives and other related issues.
Special Needs Trust
Legal Services
Programs that provide assistance with legal issues provided by attorneys and certified individuals.
Social Security Disability Benefits
Statewide and Nationwide
Benefits and Life Care Planning Law
Legal services that assist with Life Care Planning and management, living trusts, Medicaid and Medicare, Social Security and other benefits, disability planning, guardianships, conservatorships, discrimination, health care decisions, long-term care alternatives and other related issues.
Pooled Special Needs Trust Administration
Free End of Life Legal Document Preparation
Special Needs Planning
Advance Care Planning Facilitation
Estate Planning
Programs that offer a review of options and assistance to people who want to provide for the administration and/or protection of their assets during their lifetime, develop a plan for managing their finances in the event of a disabling illness, prepare binding instructions for the health care they wish to receive or avoid should they become terminally ill, make arrangements for the disposition of their assets with a minimum amount of taxation upon their death and provide for the administration of their estate should their spouse or other beneficiaries be incapable of managing their affairs.
Estate Planning Overview
Guardianship Services
Organizations or individuals appointed to act as legal guardians or conservators of people unable to manage decision-making for their care and well being.
Guardianship Information
Advocacy | Guardianship
Legal Aid Society
Legal assistance for low income individuals.
Virginia Free Legal Answers
Legal Aid Hotline
Legal Assistance
Legal Services
Programs that provide assistance with legal issues provided by attorneys and certified individuals.